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Gwyntarian Archers Guild |
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Marche of Gwyntarian January 21, 2012 |
Purpose To promote an interest in and the knowledge of archery. Patron Saint St. Sebastian, whose feast day is Jan. 20th. This charter is to be revised/approved by the majority of the Guild members present on that day or on the day chosen by the Guild to celebrate St. Sebastian's Day (close to Jan. 20th). Goals 1. Guild will follow laws and rules of the SCA. 2. To increase accuracy at all distances, with or without timed limits. 3. To increase participation in and practice of recognized shoots, such as IKAC's, Royal Rounds, war point, and Gwyntarian's Winter Shoot. 4. To increase the knowledge of the historical development of archery: a. Garb b. Equipment c. Shooting styles d. Regional life - the professional and the nonprofessional archer 5. To be able to maintain and repair equipment. 6. To be able to make usable period equipment. 7. To add to the embellishment of archery life through any of the Arts and Sciences -- i.e. poetry, woodworking, song, embroidery, jewelry, illumination and the like. 8. To increase attendance and participation at Guild meetings. 9. The Guild will set and maintain regularly scheduled meetings. Membership 1. Open to all those who express an interest in archery and are members of the Marche of Gwyntarian or any other recognized SCA group. 2. The members shall share the costs of the Guild (as needed). 3. The members shall encourage and help all the other members of the guild. 4. The members shall yield gracefully and respectfully to the instructions of the marshals while on the field. 5. To attain Guild rank, members need to qualify in the areas of accuracy and in all other level requirements. The accuracy qualification is defined as a kingdom ranking of
Dragon 105 and up verified by a warranted archery marshal as calculated from the average of the three highest royal round scores within a calendar year. 6. Guild members shall be awarded their rank when they have completed all the requirements without regard to their previous standing. 7. Advancement of rank shall occur when all the requirements of that rank are met. The recognition of that advancement shall be at the next guild meeting. 8. The members will have no time limit for the completion of rank qualifications. 9. To maintain Guild rank, members need to do any one of the following yearly (from January 20 to January 20), in addition to one other level requirement:
(a) Do a total of three of any combination of: 10. Honorary Guild membership may be bestowed by a majority vote of the polled active members. 11. Active Members are persons that have attended at least 1/3 of the scheduled meetings within the previous twelve months. 12. Members are required to report to the archivist; shooting scores and other activities related to archery. Hierarchy Officers will be elected annually at the Saint Sebastian's day feast by a majority of the active members present that day. An officer shall be removed by a majority vote of 2/3's of the active members present at a special or regularly scheduled meeting. All active members will be notified in advance. 1. Vingtenar (One who is over twenty archers) a. Will provide leadership for the Guild and will direct organization of activities. b. Will be the official representative of the Guild. c. Will only carry a tie-breaking vote. d. Will provide an agenda and chair Guild meetings. e. Will see to the announcements of meetings and all other relevant information at local group meetings. 2. Guild scribe a. Will take notes of matters within the Guild and concerning the membership at scheduled meetings. b. Will maintain a current list of all members and keep it updated. Will take attendance at meetings and keep a list of active and inactive members. c. Will be responsible for official correspondence for the Guild. d. Will submit expenses as necessary. e. Will see that listed members are notified of scheduled meetings at least one to two (1 - 2) weeks prior to the meeting date. 3. Archivist b. Will be proactive in seeking out scores for shoots from members or marshals. a. Will maintain a record of all shooting scores, presentations, and other information pertaining to qualifications for Guild ranking. c. Will seek out Guild members for any additional information that needs to be recorded such as the subject and sources of presentations, projects completed and other general reference information. d. Will be responsible for all reports to the local Mistress/Master of Arts/Sciences and to the Regional Archery Marshal. e. Will maintain a bibliography of reference materials and group purchased publications. Target 1. The standard Guild target will be a 25-inch (60-cm) round colored target. This target will be used for Guild qualifications. Members are encouraged to use other types of targets (such as wand, wreath, clout and pop-n-jay) as well. 2. Scoring for the standard target will be 1-2-3-4-5, from white to gold. If an arrow is touching a black line, it will be scored as the higher color. 3. All pass throughs and witnessed bounce offs will be scored as 3 points if the actual point value cannot be determined. Advancement of Ranks: 1. Novice a. Will have an interest in archery. b. Will attend Guild meetings and practices (using own, Guild, or borrowed equipment). c. Will abide by the instructions of the marshals. 2. Apprentice a. Will be an active member of the Guild. b. Will follow basic safety procedures on the line and in the use of equipment. c. Will be able to attain a kingdom ranking of Bowman. d. Will own and maintain SCA-accepted equipment. e. Will do research into the historical background of archery and may give a talk at meetings. Will have a list of references with a copy given to the Archivist. f. Will be able to tie a bowyer's knot. 3. Journeyman a. Will be an active member of the Guild. b. Will assist in maintaining basic safety procedures on the line and in the use of equipment. c. Will be able to attain a kingdom ranking of Yeoman. d. Will be able to maintain and make basic repairs on own equipment. e. Will present a talk and/or demonstration to the Guild members on an aspect of period archery; may use a primary or a secondary source. Will have a list of references with a copy given to the Archivist. f. Will present and/or demonstrate to the Guild an element of related archery life through any of the Arts and/or Sciences. Will use primary or secondary documentation. Will have a list of references and give such to the Archivist. 4. Marksman a. Will be an active member of the Guild. b. Will teach safety procedures through marshalling responsibilities. c. Will be able to attain a kingdom ranking of Marksman. d. Will make, and present at a Guild meeting, a piece of usable, accurate (period) archery equipment (must have documentation and give such to the Archivist). e. Will present a talk and/or demonstration to the Guild members on an aspect of period archery; will use primary and secondary sources. Will have a list of references with a copy given to the Archivist. f. Will present and/or demonstrate to the Guild an element of related archery life through any of the Arts and/or Sciences. Will use primary and secondary documentation. Will have a list of references and give such to the Archivist. g. Will enter at least one from items 4.d, 4.e, and 4.f in an Arts and Sciences competition. 5. Master a. Will be an active member of the Guild. b. Will be a kingdom level marshal and be willing to marshal when and where needed. c. Will be able to attain a kingdom level of Woodsman. d. Will make and present at a guild meeting a piece of period equipment -- a bow, a crossbow, or six arrows or bolts or an alternative Master piece. The project will be proposed to and approved by the Guild in advance (with documentation given to the Archivist). e. Will write and submit for publication in an SCA publication (such as Tournaments Illuminated or Complete Anachronist), or other general circulation publication, a paper on any aspect of archery: equipment, life, or history. Will use primary and secondary sources and will present said paper to the Guild as a talk. The documentation will be given to the Archivist. f. Will present and/or demonstrate to the Guild an element of related archery life through the arts and/or sciences. Will use secondary and primary documentation. The documentation to be given to the Archivist. g. Will enter at least one of items 5.d, 5.e or 5.f in a regional Arts and Sciences competition. Guild Badge: (fieldless) A bowyers' knot Or (gold)
Apprentice on Vert (green) Members are encouraged to wear the appropriate badge with the understanding that the badge is not registered with the Society's College of Arms.
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